Prayer Ministry

Prayer Ministry

Cedarbrook exists to help you connect to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. It’s that simple! We believe that making a personal connection with Jesus will fill your life with purpose and meaning. It doesn’t solve all your problems, but doing life WITH Jesus always beats doing life without him. Prayer is simply the language of that connection. Here at Cedarbrook we have several opportunities for you to connect with God through prayer:

Prayer Requests

If you have a need, concern, or an answer to prayer, you can share that with the Cedarbrook Prayer Team through the Connection Card on Sunday or by completing this

Prayer & Pastoral Care Request Form . Someone from the team will respond to your request to let you know that they are praying for you. 

Communion Prayer
On the first Sunday of the month, communion is served at Cedarbrook. If you come forward to receive communion, you have the opportunity to receive a prayer of blessing and healing from one of our prayer ministers. Tell them your name, and they will place a dot of oil on your forehead to symbolize the touch of the Holy Spirit and pray a general prayer of blessing and healing over you.

Prayer Trail

On the hill behind the building is 1/2 mile Prayer Trail, designed to be a place of quiet reflection and solitude.   As you walk the path, read and think about the Scripture references along the way, enjoy the quiet beauty of the world God created, and allow God to refresh you with His presence. Take time at each of the stations to focus on God, listen for His voice and lift up your concerns to Him.

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