Kevin Schippers

Kevin Schippers

Cedarbrook is excited to have Kevin Schippers leading our Care Ministry.  

Interestingly, Kevin started Erbert & Gerbert's right out of college. Ask him how they came up with the sandwich names!   He grew the one shop into two, and then into a franchise. 

Through all of this he came to see his need for a Savior, and came to faith in Jesus. He started his walk in a church in Eau Claire. He sold the franchise company to go into ministry, but kept his original store in Eau Claire, and eventually planted a church. He spent years studying for seminary, pastoring, and running his restaurant. After taking a much-needed break, he found his way to Cedarbrook Church with his wife, Beth. 

In his spare time Kevin loves hunting, fishing, trapping and camping and spending time with Beth, their children and grandchildren.

Contact Kevin.
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